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Yes, we deliver to APO!
Delivery to APO, FPO, and US Territories

Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, APO, FPO, and US Territories including Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, and Micronesia:

Order on-line and ship methods available will be shown in your shopping cart. For USPS shipping, please select United States as your country. In certain unusual instances, the rates confirmed on-line may not be your actual rates. Our shipping department will usually contact you by email in 1 business day (allow longer during November and December) if ship rates in addition to the rate quoted in your shopping cart will be necessary to your location. If you are contacted, we will then wait for your approval before we proceed with your order. If you prefer to receive a custom quote from a human, please contact us. Some furniture, chairs, hazardous items, and large or fragile items may not be able to be shipped and we will contact you in such an event. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to ship to our many thousands of customers in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the US Territories, and APO and FPO. Thank you for choosing Comfort House!


Established 1991. Our 33rd Year. Thank you for supporting small business.
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